Friday, October 22, 2010

Toy Story 3

This new animated film is a fantastic example of creativity and real entertainment.  Granted it took me a while to see it, but that doesn't change the quality of the film.  Compared to the first Toy Story I am tempted to say that this movie is actually better then the first, or at least comes very close.  In all the Toy Story line has proven to stay good in plot and play through in the past, it's never let it's viewers down and is a really good family movie for parents who want to take they're little children to the movies.  I won't give any plot lines away or anything because I want you to enjoy this movie as much as I did, in general I want to make the point that it is worth seeing.  The animation itself is even amazing.  it's so clear that it looks convincing, like the characters are actual toys even.  Just for the sake of anyone reading this I will let you know that the child character "Andy" has grown up and is heading off for college.  This brings the question "what happens to his toys?".  Well thats the very question the movie answers.  This new toy journey brings tragedy, laughter, and happiness to the big screen.  I want to wrap this all up, so I just want to make one final statement.  If you don't see this movie, you can't say you like Toy Story or are a fan of animation.