Friday, October 22, 2010

Toy Story 3

This new animated film is a fantastic example of creativity and real entertainment.  Granted it took me a while to see it, but that doesn't change the quality of the film.  Compared to the first Toy Story I am tempted to say that this movie is actually better then the first, or at least comes very close.  In all the Toy Story line has proven to stay good in plot and play through in the past, it's never let it's viewers down and is a really good family movie for parents who want to take they're little children to the movies.  I won't give any plot lines away or anything because I want you to enjoy this movie as much as I did, in general I want to make the point that it is worth seeing.  The animation itself is even amazing.  it's so clear that it looks convincing, like the characters are actual toys even.  Just for the sake of anyone reading this I will let you know that the child character "Andy" has grown up and is heading off for college.  This brings the question "what happens to his toys?".  Well thats the very question the movie answers.  This new toy journey brings tragedy, laughter, and happiness to the big screen.  I want to wrap this all up, so I just want to make one final statement.  If you don't see this movie, you can't say you like Toy Story or are a fan of animation.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Inception, so good I thought I WAS dreaming.

The title says it all. I know it's taken me a long time to review this but I must say, I've seen it a third time and I'm ready to watch it again. Christopher Nolan has jumped up from Batman Begins in my opinion, he is now officially me favorite director. He even beat out Guy Richie for me, and thats not a small feat in my mind. I actually hated Leonardo Dicaprio before this, but that opinion took a complete 360! Now to the movie, I'm thinking that in the past decade, this movie beats off every other, it is what you look to when you want to be an artist and a true genius. It's not just pure entertainment, this movie is the love child of a comic book and a brain fart! Shows what certain people are able to do when they actually put effort into movies. Truely if I ever would demand that you see a movie, it would be this straight out.

Monday, September 6, 2010

New Spidey!?

Why does anyone in Hollywood feel that Spider-Man needs to be re-booted or even re-contemplated? Obviously I don't feel this way, the actor they have chosen actually looks like what I thought Peter Parker should. But either way, the actresses in consideration for Mary Jane are just as bad as the last. By far though, I wish Hollywood would move on to other heroes rather then repeating past mistakes. At least give it a decade or two. A good amount of heroes are still waiting to be put to film, they're are plenty to choose from. Green Arrow, Flash, Fate, Aqua-man, and even Spawn! Spawn was made into a movie, but I could put that thing into the "shitty hall of fame" without hesitation. I could name more but I don't want to bore you. Hollywood has actually been making a lot of bad decisions lately. They took Edward Norton out of the Hulk movies, what the f*ck? And then they have been putting Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson into family films like "The Tooth Fairy", I'm sorry but I don't see a muscle bound ex-wrestler as someone to chuckle with as he trips over the baby toy and falls into the bubble bath. In short and summery, I think that this movie world is turning too far into the money numbers, and focusing less on the good/wise decisions.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Iron Man 2

Seriously, this movie hands down is one of THE best super hero movie ever created for the big screen. Who doesn't like watching a good guy in a metal suit kicking ass? I certainly love it. Even though it's not your classy, talent defining piece of "Art", it's still a fantastic movie and is well made in every way. The creativity of how things are managed in this movie is just beyond explanation, for starters. The suit case armor, it is just amazing how Jon Favreau came up with the case. The original comic book has the armor in a literal case, but the folded armor that creeps onto his body just shows how much of a visionary Jon Favreau is. I would nothing but recommend this movie.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Spartacus Blood &

This show is good if you think that the people back in Roman times were just like the people of today. The language of course is English but I am not talking about what linguist style they use, I'm thinking more about the cussing in the show, now naturally I don't care if someone cusses in a movie, sometimes it makes it more fun. But when you make a show about Rome, no one says f*ck or anything like that! Even if they did we don't know about it so lets just try and be more creative beyond our own day and age. The action is good but early on in this first season the violence gets to be a bit over bearing, not to mention a place called "The Pit" where twisted deformed human beings are a regular occurrence. One thing I can't stand is that when watching this show apparently it takes a break from the plot to let you view a bit of porn, I swear I have not seen so much male and female swagger are genitals in a show in my life, pretty much every episode has 6 pairs of boobs and there's no discretion of what it shows while the characters are in bed! Naturally I think the actor in this show though (Andy Whitfield), who plays the main character. Is a VERY talented actor and I enjoy any movie or show he's in because of him. But I do not recommend Spartacus Blood and Sand.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Sherlock Holmes, Enter the Mind

I have heard the opinions of friends and they complain that the movie was too Dark and contained too much "black Magic". This is only natural for this movie to be so though because back in the time it hints to is back when people both believed and feared such things. As for the darkness, I believe it was complimenting on the story and time line. Not to mention the casting was nothing less then brilliant. Robert Downey jr (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (John Watson), Rachel McAdams (Irene Adler), and Mark Strong (Lord Blackwood). Also Guy Ritchie's (the director) signature is obvious in the movie, the constant flash backs to and from scenes. One scene showing one side, then flipping back to show the other side. This is Guy Ritchie's somewhat unique style, I believe he is onto something that can re-define suspense films. Sherlock Holmes is nothing less then a grand masterpiece of art and fully my favorite movie of all time.

Oceans Quality.

This movie is grand and has considerable quality. The narration of it was surprising for it was Pierce Brosnen who did this job, he did a good job to say the least. The only issue I take with the movie is that it has an uncanny likeness to the movie Earth made by Disney as well. This movie is a good one to take a girl to see which is always a plus. I would give it four stars, removing the fifth on account of it's closeness to Earth.