Monday, September 6, 2010

New Spidey!?

Why does anyone in Hollywood feel that Spider-Man needs to be re-booted or even re-contemplated? Obviously I don't feel this way, the actor they have chosen actually looks like what I thought Peter Parker should. But either way, the actresses in consideration for Mary Jane are just as bad as the last. By far though, I wish Hollywood would move on to other heroes rather then repeating past mistakes. At least give it a decade or two. A good amount of heroes are still waiting to be put to film, they're are plenty to choose from. Green Arrow, Flash, Fate, Aqua-man, and even Spawn! Spawn was made into a movie, but I could put that thing into the "shitty hall of fame" without hesitation. I could name more but I don't want to bore you. Hollywood has actually been making a lot of bad decisions lately. They took Edward Norton out of the Hulk movies, what the f*ck? And then they have been putting Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson into family films like "The Tooth Fairy", I'm sorry but I don't see a muscle bound ex-wrestler as someone to chuckle with as he trips over the baby toy and falls into the bubble bath. In short and summery, I think that this movie world is turning too far into the money numbers, and focusing less on the good/wise decisions.

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