Friday, April 23, 2010

Sherlock Holmes, Enter the Mind

I have heard the opinions of friends and they complain that the movie was too Dark and contained too much "black Magic". This is only natural for this movie to be so though because back in the time it hints to is back when people both believed and feared such things. As for the darkness, I believe it was complimenting on the story and time line. Not to mention the casting was nothing less then brilliant. Robert Downey jr (Sherlock Holmes), Jude Law (John Watson), Rachel McAdams (Irene Adler), and Mark Strong (Lord Blackwood). Also Guy Ritchie's (the director) signature is obvious in the movie, the constant flash backs to and from scenes. One scene showing one side, then flipping back to show the other side. This is Guy Ritchie's somewhat unique style, I believe he is onto something that can re-define suspense films. Sherlock Holmes is nothing less then a grand masterpiece of art and fully my favorite movie of all time.

Oceans Quality.

This movie is grand and has considerable quality. The narration of it was surprising for it was Pierce Brosnen who did this job, he did a good job to say the least. The only issue I take with the movie is that it has an uncanny likeness to the movie Earth made by Disney as well. This movie is a good one to take a girl to see which is always a plus. I would give it four stars, removing the fifth on account of it's closeness to Earth.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Entourage. How is it?

I've watched the show myself and if I had a rating system it would be blowing it up. The show is well written and has great actors for the parts. It's a classic and thats why it has goten rebooted for another season beyond the planned closing. The best actor is Jeremy Piven who plays the Character "Ari Gold" who is the genius agent who provides Vince and his boys with miracles day in and day out. I watch the show religiously now and plan on being a faithful fan till the day I die.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Halo movie

This is exciting to say the least, a movie made from the Microsoft game Halo. The best part of it is that if they stay true to the game it will be amazing for sure. I only have one issue, I pray that they use the same voice in the movie as in the game for Master Chief (Seirra 117). If not then I am boycotting the movie. The voice in the game is done by the lead singer of the band known as Breaking Benjamin. It just wouldn't make sense to not use his voice. Other then this I am sure that the creators in charge of it have the uttmost ability to make a good Halo film.

Justice League going to happen?

I don't see the Justice League anytime in the near future no matter what. Hollywood is so focused on The Avengers that it hasn't considered taking on the Justice League as seriously as they should. Truely they have made Batman, and are making Green Lantern. Some would argue that Superman is done as well but no Superman movie has been made to even rank anywhere withing the deffinition of the word "decent" (hopefully something that Christopher Nolan will fix). I have hopes that someday this does get made but within the years from now to 2012 I see no real efforts to match the ones that are exerted towards The Avengers. I see a lot of potential in both mega super hero movies but I think Justice League holds more onto audiences then The Avenegers just because it has Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman. Who of which are three very notable heroes in comics. It will inevitably be made in time but sadly not in the future that we can see so far.

Terminator....good idea?

Yes, my personal opinion is that the new Terminators are important to the story and needed. I think it is really crucial. Now whether or not they made the right choice casting Christian Bale is another thing, granted he does give a grand performence as the savior John Conner but I think he is too large for the movie and over shadows the character he plays. Terminator was a movie to bring in unknown actors and make them bring out they're best. The Terminator played by the body builder Arnold is a deffining character and made his acting career. (the governator) I see Christian Bale as my only problem with the new Terminators and the fact that they are keeping him from being Batman.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Actor of the century

Robert Downey jr. His name alone is almost enough to make this post full. He is skilled and very entertaining. He does not use the "method acting" like Christian Bale, yet he performs as well if not better. Robert has done Sherlock Holmes, Tony Stark (in Iron Man 1 & 2), and played Charlie Chaplain in older days. He is a classic actor and shows ten fold what he's capable of every time. If you are looking for a man who shows what acting can be and what it should be, Robert Downey jr. is your man. In my opinion, the best.

Directors to watch

I personally am keeping an eye on Martin Cambell. He has made Golden Eye, Casino Royal, and is directing the new Green Lantern movie in 2011. The other directors showing promise are Christopher Nolan, Jon Favrou, and Guy Ritchie. Christopher Nolan has made Batman Begins, and The Dark Knight. Jon Favrou has made Iron Man 1 & 2, and assisted with Couple's Retreat. Finally but not least, Guy Ritchie made the epic film titled Sherlock Holmes starring Robert Downey jr. These directors will re-define hollywood film making. Take my word for it, I swear on my future grave that these men will blow us away every time.

Avatar, what were they thinking?

The new movie titled Avatar is not one to be admitted as good as far as plot quality and practicality. The action and CG was amazing but the only reason it was any good (if good is the word to use). I watched it once in the theater and will not sit through it a second time even if I red boxed it. I love James Cameron and I praise him as one of the legends in hollywood history but this was full of his "green planet" opinion and human destruction, all political propaganda. I will sum up. You have most likely seen this but if not, DO not. It is not worth the money nor the three hours to watch this travesty.