Saturday, April 17, 2010

Justice League going to happen?

I don't see the Justice League anytime in the near future no matter what. Hollywood is so focused on The Avengers that it hasn't considered taking on the Justice League as seriously as they should. Truely they have made Batman, and are making Green Lantern. Some would argue that Superman is done as well but no Superman movie has been made to even rank anywhere withing the deffinition of the word "decent" (hopefully something that Christopher Nolan will fix). I have hopes that someday this does get made but within the years from now to 2012 I see no real efforts to match the ones that are exerted towards The Avengers. I see a lot of potential in both mega super hero movies but I think Justice League holds more onto audiences then The Avenegers just because it has Batman, Green Lantern, and Superman. Who of which are three very notable heroes in comics. It will inevitably be made in time but sadly not in the future that we can see so far.


  1. The only problem with this is that each franchise has it's own director. with Superman being rebooted a third time in the near future, batman having already been rebooted, and the Green Lantern in production, and each with a different set of modes and themes, a combination just won't be good. no director will be able to even begin to do justice to all the different franchises, and no director of an already-successful franchise will be able to properly collaborate with other directors, and if they try, it's just not going to be good.

  2. You know, Marvel studios will be handling The Avengers; so, there's nothing stopping another studio from taking on a Justice League film. In fact, the most current rumor holds that Nolan will be at the helm. Also, Nolan (as of now) only has a production credit on the new Superman reboot. Think of it as being similar to the role Peter Jackson played in the production of District 9. Another thing: The Avengers will almost certainly have a bigger audience than a Justice League film simply because casual filmgoers are more familiar with Superheroes in the Marvel universe. Superman and Batman are really the only heroes that most people recognize by name in DC Universe. Furthermore, Marvel heroes have had more critically validated and financially successful films.
