Saturday, April 17, 2010

Terminator....good idea?

Yes, my personal opinion is that the new Terminators are important to the story and needed. I think it is really crucial. Now whether or not they made the right choice casting Christian Bale is another thing, granted he does give a grand performence as the savior John Conner but I think he is too large for the movie and over shadows the character he plays. Terminator was a movie to bring in unknown actors and make them bring out they're best. The Terminator played by the body builder Arnold is a deffining character and made his acting career. (the governator) I see Christian Bale as my only problem with the new Terminators and the fact that they are keeping him from being Batman.


  1. This is a pretty uncommon opinion. I'm not judging you for it but I have to disagree. Christian Bale was arguably the best thing about Terminator: Salvation and honestly, the best actor the franchise has seen. No one else has been able to pull off the unbridled intensity and energy that Bale brought to the role of John Connor. A man faced with leading the human race in a hopeless war with a completely overpowering enemy. Bale made previous John Connors performance appear as though the actors were on an extended vacation. As for being "too large" for the movie, I think if there is any validity to this argument, it should be directed toward McG for not having his other actors (or his film) match the level of Bale's performance. Finally, the only thing holding Bale back from being Batman is the fact that Jonathan Nolan hasn't even finished the script for the third movie yet.

  2. Well yes I admit Christian Bale did have a good perfomance as I said in my blog "Granted he does give a grand performence as the savior John Conner" I'm not narrow minded to where I can't admit that. I am simply stating that since McG, being so doubted and critized as he was, was able to pull off this great film, then why couldn't other actors besides Christian Bale? Even though most people don't like Sam Worthington I think he did a good job at his role considering how much pressure was on him and the film.
