Saturday, April 17, 2010

Halo movie

This is exciting to say the least, a movie made from the Microsoft game Halo. The best part of it is that if they stay true to the game it will be amazing for sure. I only have one issue, I pray that they use the same voice in the movie as in the game for Master Chief (Seirra 117). If not then I am boycotting the movie. The voice in the game is done by the lead singer of the band known as Breaking Benjamin. It just wouldn't make sense to not use his voice. Other then this I am sure that the creators in charge of it have the uttmost ability to make a good Halo film.


  1. I think Steve Downes would take issue with this.

  2. you know, I'm pretty sure both Stephen Speilburg and Peter Jackson were planning on directing this movie at different times. I happened to notice that while the movie is listed on IMDb, there is no information on a possible director or any cast. Both Benedicio Del Toro and Neil Blonchamp have been signed on to direct this movie by Peter Jackson, but Del Toro is busy directing "The Hobbit," and Blonchamp directed District 9, which ironicly used many props origionally developed for Halo. thoughts?
